Jerry Blog

Think like a Bayesian, worry like a frequentist.


问题描述 本人看pdf论文喜欢用Sumatra泛读,因为秒开真的很爽,但Sumatra只是pdf阅读器,没有修改功能。所以用xodo在PC上精读。平时泛读比较多,所以默认打开方式是sumatra。 如果把文件拖入xodo打开,那么xodo会默认用user打开,即只有只读权限。在xodo的界面找到pdf打开才有修改文件的权限,但这样太繁琐。所以需要始终给xodo管理员权限。 但xo...



个人比较喜欢开源或支持自定义插件的软件,高定制化。最近看论文频繁了,感觉多平台同步还有不完善的地方,于是又折腾了一下,这次给大家总结一下个人常用的软件。 学习篇 Zotero 个人最爱的文献管理器,除了文献管理的基本功能,可以通过开源插件融合各种app,比如通过zotfile实现多平台同步,chrome的extension实现一键加文献,文献拓扑网络生成等等,关于zotfi...

Slurm Useful Command

Summary of useful command

Job status related command Waiting time: Use squeue to see estimated start dates assuming new jobs with higher priority are not submitted, and assuming that jobs run to the wall time given on s...

K-cup 饮后感

星爸爸篇 Starbucks Vanilla: 刚冲好就有一股很浓郁的香草味,闻上去甜到发腻,口感上倒没有很明显的甜味,但把咖啡原有的苦味给覆盖了,有淡淡的香草味,酸度偏低。(题外话,要是撒了记得及时擦掉,不然一直都是甜到发腻的香草味,别问我为什么知道) Starbuck Sumatra: 闻起来有浓郁的烤咖啡豆香味,整体口感偏苦,入口厚重,舌尖能感受到有少量甜味但基本被苦...

Async and parallelism in Python

Make full use of your machine! What’s parallelism Parallelism means conducting multiple operations at the same time. Concurrency has a broader meaning than parallelism. One of the methods is ...

Tetris Principles

让我们一起喊:”Furea, donation和PC永远的神!” Tetris history Flat stacking This chapter will deal with the skill of creating and building around an open column, or a straight hole in a wall of blocks, in...

Cloud Sync via a Paper Management Library - Zotero

Start your paper reading journey from Zotero! What’s Zotero Zotero is a free Paper Management Software to arrange your literatures. Notable features include web browser integration, online sy...

Support Vector Machine

Easy model, Good performance Prerequisite Before you read this post, you should have a have some basic knowledge of kernels and Hilbert space. If not, please read the following materials firs...

Founadation of Machine Learning Part II

Previous post Founadation of Machine Learning Part I

Linear Regression with constraints

It’s another way to understand model significance test from the aspect of linear regression with constriaints. Estimation under linear constraints We have the regression model: \[Y=Xβ+ɛ\\ s....